Leave A Legacy

Leave your legacy by making a planned gift to Fore Stark County Youth  Development, Inc. (DBA First Tee Canton) Tax ID - 34-1912799

Ten Things You Can Do Today

1. Prepare a will. Fully 50% of Americans will die without a will. Without one, you lose control of the assets you worked a lifetime to acquire. 2. Leave a specific dollar amount or a percentage of your estate to your favorite charities. The provision can be part of a new will or added to your existing will as a codicil. 3. Give gifts of stocks. Contact us today for our DTC instructions. 4. "Endow" your annual gift to your favorite charity by making a bequest equal to 20 times that amount. 5. Name your favorite charity as the beneficiary of your IRA or pension plan. 6. Name your favorite charity as the beneficiary of a new or existing life insurance policy. 7. Make a gift of a new or existing life insurance policy to your favorite charity. 8. Remember deceased loved ones with memorial gifts to charities. 9. Encourage family members and friends to leave gifts to charities in their wills. 10. Ask your financial advisor to include charitable giving as part of his/her counsel to other clients.

Sample Language:

For a specific bequest: I hereby give and bequeath $_________ (or ____%) from my estate (or trust) to Fore Stark County Youth Development, Inc. DBA First Tee Canton, an Ohio nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, located in Canton, Ohio for its general purposes. Tax ID Number:34-1912799 For a remainder gift: I give and bequeath all (or ____%) of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate (or trust) to Fore Stark County Youth Development, Inc. DBA First Tee Canton an Ohio nonprofit, tax-exempt corporation under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, located in Canton, Ohio, for its general purposes. Tax ID Number: 34-1912799 If we can answer questions or be of assistance during this planning process, contact Nanci Miller, Development Coordinator, at nmiller@firstteecanton.org or 330-754-8253.